miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

Dios ha muerto

asi que escucho Radiohead...

God is dead so I listen to radiohead..
God is dead so I listen to Radiohead
God is dead so I listen to Radiohead
I live with my mum in a chalet bunglalow
And I've read half of Ecce Homo
God is dead so I listen to Radiohead
God is dead so I listen to Radiohead
I've got a will to power that's why I don't shower
I've got a will to power that's why I don't shower

File into the system
Two copies purchased of everything
One to use, one to save
Double entry recording system
Clear plastic folder for all copies
One copy used, one copy saved

God is dead so I listen to Radiohead
God is dead so I listen to Radiohead
I listen to Jet on my Dansette
I listen to Jet on my Dansette

Time wasted now
Time saved later
Time saved now
Time wasted later

God is dead so I listen to Radiohead
God is dead so I listen to Radiohead
I know what time the buses run
I know where to go to find my fun
I know which way the cycle lanes run
I know where to go to find my fun
God is dead so I listen to Radiohead
God is dead so I listen to Radiohead